The new year is a great opportunity to tune up your technology. A well-working piece of equipment makes life so much easier. You spend less time fixing issues and more time enjoying your experience. Here are our top 10 technology tune-ups to start your year off right:
Update your passwords.
It’s important to update your passwords and keep things fresh to eliminate the chances of your accounts getting hacked. We also recommend using different passwords on every account in case you do get hacked; the hackers don’t have access to your other accounts.
Update your anti-virus software
Making sure your anti-virus software is up to date, and current is one of the easiest ways to make sure you’re protected. A good anti-virus program is always coming out with updates to keep your information safe. Some software also expires after a year, so it’s a good idea to find out when your renewal is coming up to stay protected.
Clear your device’s cache
When you browse a website for the first time on the internet, your web browser stores information from the site in temporary files. This is the cache.
The next time you visit the same website, it loads directly from the cache copy instead of requesting the DNS server over the Internet. It’s important to clear your cache so that you get the latest version of the website you’re visiting. Clearing your cache also helps protect your temporarily stored data such as login credentials, phone number, and any other personal information you may use.
Activate “Find My Phone”
Have you ever lost your phone or dropped it in the snow without knowing it? Activating the “Find My Phone” feature on your mobile device is a handy feature that allows you to find your phone using a web browser map tracker.
This feature is available on both Android and iPhone devices.
End cable clutter
Who’s guilty of having a spaghetti bowl of wires coming out of every electronic device you own? Declutter and streamline those cables. Not only will it be more aesthetically pleasing, but the next time you have to change a cord, you won’t be fighting a knotted mess. As a bonus, it reduces the risk of fires by reducing the heat a tangled mess can produce.
Recycle old electronic devices
We all have them. Yes, we’re talking about that old electronic device sitting in a closet somewhere. We encourage you in the new year to reduce your environmental impact and recycle your old devices at your local recycling center. The manufacturer of your device may also have their own recycling program in place.
Try new technology
Trying new technology can be scary. We like to stick with what we know because it’s convenient and familiar, but new technology can open up so many possibilities you didn’t know existed. Get out of your comfort zone and switch over your cable TV to the All West.tv app, upgrade your internet so you can learn that new language you always are talking about, or get that new phone so you can FaceTime your grandkids.
Be nicer on social media
Interactions on Google, Instagram, and Facebook can all too easily turn into name-calling and inappropriate behavior. Remember there’s a person on the other side and they care about you and your experience. Instead of complaining, try complimenting, or giving constructive criticism.
Update Your Wi-Fi Router Firmware
Making sure your Wi-Fi router is up-to-date is one way to keep your connection to the web secure and performing optimally. When you use the internet, all of your information is going to be passing through your router, so if it’s compromised, it can really impact your privacy and the security of your devices. In addition to security, installing a firmware update can solve connection problems.
Backup your devices
Have you ever dropped your phone, gotten the blue screen of death, or spilled a drink on your laptop? There are a lot of mishaps that can happen to your devices. To ensure you don’t lose important information on those items, we recommend backing them up to either an external hard drive or a cloud drive. This way, you won’t have to worry about something happening to your important files.
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